Handling Intelligence...
Below are our articles on the subject of Handling Intelligence. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Better Ways to Use Your Brain
suggestions for how you can improve brain function...

Famous Intelligent People
a summary of some of the most intelligent people in history...

Fostering Intelligence in Kids
Fostering your child's intelligence now can help equip your child to make 'smart' decisions as an adult....

Healthy Habits to Improve Memory
healthy habits that can help improve your memory...

How Intelligence Influences Dating
Men and women are different in how they use intelligence in a potential partner to make choices about dating....

How Intelligence Predicts Financial Success
Studies looking at how intelligence affects wealth have shown some surprising results. While a higher IQ might earn you more money, it won't protect you from financial…...

How IQ Can Harm Your Health
A higher IQ does indeed bring many benefits, but it can also bring additional challenges - we explain how....

Learning Disabilities and Intelligence
a brief description of learning disabilities and exploding the myth that they are associated with low intelligence...

Putting Intelligence to Work in Business
Putting emotional intelligence to work in business can be the differentiating factor that gives you a star quality....

The Controversy over Race and Intelligence
the controversy over racial differences in intelligence, including the history of the debate and an analysis of the evidence supporting both genetic and environmental…...

Tips to Improve Your Memory
a short description of what memory is and how it is laid down, followed by tips on how to improve information retention and recall....

Ways to Help Your Brain Focus
A list of suggestions for how to help your brain focus better....

What is MENSA International?
the origins of Mensa, its goals and its criterion for membership...